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Bookshops / Newsagents

roman de Maurice Genevoix

Where can I find bookshops and newsagents in the Loire Valley and Orléans Forest?

Buy your favourite newspapers or magazines, crossword puzzles, scratch cards… in one of the bookshops in the Val de Loire and Forêt d’Orléans.
Would you like to discover or rediscover the writings of Maurice Genevoix, or read a novel over the holidays? If you’d like to buy postcards or a diary, this is the place to go!

The Super U stores in Châteauneuf-sur-Loire and Sandillon also have press areas selling children’s books, magazines, books and stationery…


Would you like to equip yourself for fishing on the banks of the Loire or in one of the ponds in the Val de Loire and Forêt d’Orléans?

The Maison de la presse in Châteauneuf-sur-Loire offers not only bookshop articles, but also fishing articles, and can advise you on the best fishing spots and regulations for fishing in the Loire. You can also buy a discovery pass, a day fishing pass or a weekly pass…
Are you a woman who wants to fish? Find out about the promotional fishing pass for women.



Would you like to buy local produce?
Check out our guide to local producers in the Loire Valley and Orléans Forest!

librairie papeterie presse à Châteaueuf-sur-Loire et à Jargeau.